Every trainer, in any field, has to deal with these problems - all the time, and over-and-over.

On 4/02/24 06:58, Thomas Passin via Python-list wrote:
In my view this whole thread became murky and complicated because the OP did not write down the requirements for the program.  Requirements are needed to communicate with other people.  An individual may not need to actually write down the requirements - depending on their complexity - but they always exist even if only vaguely in a person's mind.  The requirements may include what tools or languages the person wants to use and why.

If you are asking for help, you need to communicate the requirements to the people you are asking for help from.

The OP may have thought the original post(s) contained enough of the requirements but as we know by now, they didn't.

There is another possible interpretation in such situations (not necessarily this one): that the person is fixated on a particular solution (and unable/unwilling to adjust his/her thinking to consider more widely).

Thus, the question is not: 'here's an entire problem, how can it be solved', but more: 'I have a solution, and want help to implement it (and only it) just-so'.

The latter is an interesting psychology:

an experienced person who is trying to translate from one tool to another (Python), but discovers that a word-for-word solution is difficult because of the artificial-constraints they've placed on the situation.

a beginner who doesn't know what (s)he doesn't know and comes-up with an idea, but fails to appreciate that there is likely more than one path to the goal.

The person asking for help may not realize they don't know enough to write down all the requirements; an effort to do so may bring that lack to visibility.

In the case of 'Beginners' this should probably be taken-as-read!

Which is why we will always find ourselves asking questions or 'please give more information'...

However, there are other reasons, eg corporate concerns or personality; why people don't want to give more information. The former is reasonable (have suffered from same myself). The latter may reveal that the person is 'difficult to deal with'...

Mailing lists like these have a drawback that it's hard to impossible for someone not involved in a thread to learn anything general from it. We can write over and over again to please state clearly what you want to do and where the sticking points are, but newcomers post new questions without ever reading these pleas.  Then good-hearted people who want to be helpful end up spending a lot of time trying to guess what is actually being asked for, and maybe never find out with enough clarity.  Others take a guess and then spend time working up a solution that may or may not be on target.

So please! before posting a request for help, write down the requirements as best you can figure them out, and then make sure that they are expressed such that the readers can understand.

Unfortunately, if the person doesn't understand the problem (leave-aside any ideas of solution), then (s)he will not be able to clearly communicate same to us, in any way, shape, or form...

Which brings one to the question: if a person cannot express the problem clearly and completely, is (s)he suited to development work? If the problem is not understood, could 'the solution' ever be more than an exercise in hope?
(prototyping and experimentation aside)

Yes, it is frustrating to invest time and effort in helping someone, only for same to disappear 'into a black hole'. The lack of response seems to indicate a lack of respect or appreciation. Is this perhaps part of today's "consumer" life-style, where so few are contributors or creators?

On the other side of that coin: do the people who make assumptions and (kindly) blaze-ahead with 'a solution', actually help the conversation? If the assumptions are correct, yes! What if they are not?

...and don't get me started on folk who want us to do their training-assignments or build some application, for them!

As a slight aside: on one training-course DiscussionList/BulletinBoard set-up, if a trainee asked a question without a descriptive title/SubjectLine, eg "Python not working" or "Urgent: please help"; I asked them to re-post with a title that would help others in a similar situation find the topic - and closed the original thread.

Some found it "brutal" - probably skewing towards those who felt "Urgent" because they'd left things too close to deadline. Others joined the (later) thread because they could identify the topic and realise their interest in learning or contributing to the conversation...

Time pressures lead to a multitude of evils!

There's a quotation that goes something like "the poor will be with your always"?
(?possibly Biblical)

Whether we (here) are talking about 'poor' manners, 'poor' understanding, 'poor' communication skills, 'poor' Python knowledge, or whatever; isn't such one of the rationales for this DiscussionList?

That said, we're all volunteering our (valuable) time!

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