On 10/3/05, spiffo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am a corporate developer, working for a single company. Got a new project
> coming up and wondering if I should stay with Python for this new, fairly
> large project, are jump back on the 'safe' M$ bandwagon using a dot net
> language? Cross platform is NOT an issue, but COMPLETE control/compatability
> with MsSql Server (current and future versions) certainly is.
> Quick History
> Started out 10+ yrs ago using FoxPro, upgrading as Fox did, was a good
> system but never really loved it due to many factors I won't get into now.
> Did alot of work in Delphi, once version 5 came out... really loved it for
> awhile. Began using MS SQL server as database.
> Had a HUGE re-write of an old dos-based database system to do, did alot of
> work on it in Delphi 7, but really began to have issues with Delphi, even
> tho alot of it is fantastic.

Hey, you might want to take a look at Dabo <http://dabodev.com>. It
was written by a couple of ex-Fox guys, and is a complete 3-tier app
framework. They support several databases on the backend, and have
announced that they are looking for someone to help them add MS-SQL to
that list.


# p.d.

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