> My grandma doesn't put captions in her photo album,
> and she doesn't need captions on her photos in email.

She doesn't need captions in the album because she will explain the
pictures, at length, every single one of them, to anyone who comes
within grabbing distance.

> "Here's Johnny with the dog. Here is Johnny with the
> dog again. This one is Johnny on his own. Here is the
> dog. Oh look, it is Johnny with the dog again --  ...

If your photos are so banal then only people who would recognise the
people would care about them.

Captions are for people who won't recognise the subject of the photo.
When you send a photo of a house to Granma is she supposed to just
_know_ that it your new house, or the one across the road, or the one
that burnt down last week ?


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