"Michael Heiming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> In comp.os.linux.misc John Bokma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> In comp.os.linux.misc John Bokma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> The only thing positive about M$ entering the market, probably
>>>>> due to their ineffective programming style they pushed Intel into
>>>>> producing pretty fast while cheapo CPUs.
>>>> Amazing, I thought Xah Lee was the only one able to fit so much BS in
>>>> one sentence.
>>> You them to have a talent to piss-off people with just a single
>>> terse contribution. ;-)
>> Only if their contribution is utter BS and I point this out.
> Dunno what's so BS about the possibility that the wintel mafia
> works hand in hand, M$ introduces a new OS and Intel faster CPU.

Your presumption that poor coding has anything to do with CPU development is 
absurd. There may be times that M$ has to wait on faster chips before 
pushing new technologies or Intel has to wait on M$ before pushing new chips 
(like their 64bit chips that probably won't be get over-hyped until the next 
iteration of Winblows rolls around), but that's hardly evidence of the two 
working hand-in-hand.

> People need to use the first, luckily both come bundled with the
> latest PC people just need to buy right now. Iirc this is called
> marketing, you don't seem to have much clue about.

Er, that's not called marketing but a software/hardware bundle. Marketing 
would be the propaganda that tries to convince you that you need both. When 
you have no option that's not marketing but a monopoly, which sort of brings 
this all full-circle...



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