> I am Karrigell's author. I have chosen the GPL licence almost at random
> (I saw that the Python licence was GPL-compatible), so I don't mind
> switching to another Open Source licence if the GPL is liable to cause
> problems. Which one would you advice : BSD ? Python licence ? another ?

Well done on being open-minded!

You will hear valid arguments for GPL, LGPL, BSD and other licenses (though
the Python license is unsuitable for anything other than Python - see

A good solution would be multiple-licensing.  You state that the code is
(for example) triple-licensed under the GPL, LGPL and BSD licenses.  The
user of your code decides which license to obey.  It's no more work for you,
and you can please almost everyone (the only people you won't please are
those who believe that there is One True License, and frankly you should
ignore them - it's your code).

The only downside of allowing people to choose the BSD license rather than
the GPL is that potentially someone can choose the BSD license, improve
Karrigell, ship their product based on the improved code, and not give those
improvements back to the community.  But the Python license allows for this
too, and Python hasn't suffered for it.  IMO choosing a BSD license will get
you more users than GPL, and the benefits of that will outweigh the
potential downside.

Richie Hindle

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