Hi Tim,

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Parkin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: woensdag 18 januari 2006 13:45

> That sounds fine.. I think having a link to a high profile user of
> python would be very useful though. I agree the XP link is a bit
> Hopefully we'd get the photos and links to success
> stories/events/software changing every now and again..

I think that in general, I don't like the fact that links to
high-profile users are featured so prominently. That row of pictures
there looks good to me 'as such' but linking there to 'success stories'
feels, dunno, perhaps a bit cheesy to me. (That might be just my dutch
I would certainly want to see such links somewhere on the front page,
just not so prominently.

> how about
> 1) High profile user of Python
> 2) Link to upcoming python event
> 3) Link to web development uses of python
> the only problem is
> 1) people will argue over which user of python to put up
> 2) This will probably just be pycon and europython.. which is no bad
> thing.. until we get more than two conferences at similar times..
> one should we show?
> 3) python isn't just about web development..
> Suffice it to say we'll have some content and the example images will
> change every now and again.
> btw do you have a problem with using nasa or astrazeneca as example
> profile users?

As I said, I don't like them. We're not a commercial company trying to
promote itself to potential buyers. But that's too a large degree a
matter of taste.
I do actually think, though, that if the Python website *is* going to
feature such big names with such prominence, some sort of approval from
these organizations should be requested? That they don't mind being used
a a Python reference story?

About what could be there... Link to the even calender, or
recent/upcoming event.. That is one to stay, I think.
I think it would be good to have a link there too development
environments that can be used for Python: editors, debuggers, IDEs / IDE
extenstions, etc

A third item could perhaps be a link to the Python Package Index --
another thing that Python developers are likely to need.

These things are, of course, rather developer-centered (well,
Python-user centered...)
Being a software developer that uses Python, I wouldn't really know what
else to put there ;-)
But many people might have other things they wish to put in the centre
of attention on the front page.

> Tim




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