JW wrote:

>Tim the Taller (I presume he's taller; he's Dutch) and the other critics
>fail to realize is that no one reads "content".
>I'm assured that in print ads the only "content" anyone reads is in
>picture captions, and you damn well better make sure your message is
>conveyed there. Any other "content" only wastes space. I see no reason to
>think that a web page should be designed using any other assumption.
>If anything, Tim the Shorter (I presume he's shorter; he's not Dutch) has
>too much "content" and too few images.  The beta page is a great
>improvement over the current "content-intensive" page.
Yep, unfortunately the majority of people consider 'looks' important
(even when they say they think they don't) and judge a page before
they've read a single word. A recent article concluded that it can
sometimes take less than a tenth of a second for form a lasting opinion.


But obviously the site has also got to contain relevant content and be
attractive to the majority of developers also.

>I recommend David Ogilvy's "Ogilvy on Advertising" for a enthusiastic but
>somewhat cynical view of the subject.  It is a very old book, but nothing
>about human nature has changed since it was written.
It's a very good book and still as relevant today as ever (I wish I had
my original copy.. altough it's still in print in multiple versions.)


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