"Aahz" wrote... > Bruno Desthuilliers wrote: > >Aahz a écrit : [...] > >>>Please repeat this 101 times each morning: > >>>"thou shall not use old-style classes for they are deprecated". > >> Classic classes are *NOT* deprecated. > >Perhaps not *officially* yet... > > Not even unofficially. The point at which we have deprecation is when > PEP8 gets changed to say that new-style classes are required for > contributions.
My question: Could the old classes be treated in a new Python treated as new classes with "implicit" base object? (I know the Zen... ;-) Example: I use usually a very simple classes. When I add "(object)" to my class definitions, the code continues to works fine -- plus I have new features to use. Why this cannot be done automatically? What could be broken in the old code if it was threated so? Thanks for explanation, pepr
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