At least on windows.  PySqlite is statically linked with the sqlite library.
This can be done because it is quite small.


On Tue, Apr 18, 2006 at 06:51:24PM +0000, Jon Ribbens wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Aahz wrote:
> > On that front, I think that pysqlite is much more important because
> > it finally gets rid of the excuse for using Berkeley for simple
> > database purposes.
> Apologies if I'm being obtuse, but how does including the pysqlite
> wrapper module change anything? You still need to download and install
> SQLite, so what's the point of including a wrapper for something you
> may or may not have? Why is pysqlite included, for example, and not
> MySQL-Python or postgresql or whatever?
> -- 

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