I am trying to write a replacement for Alt-TAB in Windows XP using
python Win32 extensions.  I am first just trying to build a list of
all tasks that are in the taskbar; on Windows, these seem to be the
same tasks that are listed in the Alt-TAB box.  I pieced together the
following code from various places:

from win32gui import *

def windowEnumerationHandler(hwnd, resultList):
    '''Pass to win32gui.EnumWindows() to generate list of window handle, window 
text tuples.'''
    if IsWindowVisible(hwnd):
        txt = GetWindowText(hwnd)
        if (len(txt) > 0):
            resultList.append((hwnd, GetWindowText(hwnd)))

windows = []
EnumChildWindows(GetDesktopWindow(), windowEnumerationHandler, windows)
for w in windows:
    print "%10s %s" % (w[0], w[1])

However, when it runs, it gives me more than the active applications:

C:\home\rutt\dev\win32tasks>python tasks.py
     65624 start
     65628 2:45 PM
     65632 Notification Area
     65648 Running Applications
     65652 Running Applications
   1245338 C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe - python tasks.py
   1508856 Emacs (Fundamental) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  tasks.py
   1115660 TaskSwitchXP
   1639818 FolderView
    525314 Emacs (Group) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  *Group*
  17761604 My eBay Selling: Items I'm Selling - Mozilla Firefox
   1770594 XTerm akron:~/archive/papers
   2884722 XTerm tg-login4:~
   4850694 PostMsg
   2688224 FolderView
   1114280 XTerm ruttlap:~/dev/win32tasks
    656324 CodeGuru: PostMsg - Post a message to any window on the desktop - Mic
rosoft Internet Explorer
   2753618 Google
   3408896 ActivePython 2.4 - Online Docs : Constants - Microsoft Internet Explo
   1050106 Google
    918526 Small Values of Cool: Driving win32 GUIs with Python, part 1 - Micros
oft Internet Explorer
    984590 Google
   2164086 WINDOWINFO - Microsoft Internet Explorer
    657032 Google
     65660 Program Manager
     65664 FolderView

There are a few problems with the above output:

1) The first few Windows do not look like they correspond to any task
   bar entries at all.

2) "FolderView" is displayed for Windows Explorer open folders; I
   would really like to have the name as it exists in the title bar

Does anyone know the appropriate functions to call to narrow down
these window handles to just those that are present in the taskbar?
Benjamin Rutt

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