Unless you have been infected by a virus, user32.dll is not broken.
Please eliminate that option from consideration.  Windows constantly
monitors all of the critical system files and replaces them with hidden,
cached copies if they change.

Do you run any real-time virus or spyware checkers?  Have you tried
disabling those temporarily to see if it makes a difference?

I think you are on to something here. I disabled AVG and the program worked!
Then I enabled AVG again, and the program still worked. Before replying to
your message, I decided to reboot, just to make sure it still works but after
rebooting I get the same error as before - even if I disable AVG :(

You might try running HijackThis
(www.spywareinfo.com/~merijn/programs.php).  Create a log and send it to
me, and I'll see if there are any Windows hooks installed that might be

Sending it to you now...

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