Please file a bug and I'll try and nail it before the next release (pythonwin itself is now much more unicode aware - it now even allows each file to have its own encoding - but I'm yet to implement the encoding detection beyond detecting a BOM...)

Note I'm not that familiar with changing language etc options, so please try and be as explicit as possible in the repro steps.



On 31/01/2009 2:13 AM, Mark Tolonen wrote:
"Dahlstrom, Roger" <> wrote in message

Tried it in a few versions on a couple computers, and was unable to

-----Original Message-----
[] On
Behalf Of Mark Tolonen
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 9:16 AM
Subject: [python-win32] Serious bug in pywin32?

Today I ran PythonWin and accidentally typed 'python' at the interactive
prompt out of habit, since I often use the cmd prompt instead. PythonWin
immediately crashed. I re-ran PythonWin and tried again. Same crash. Ran
again...typed 'import os'. No crash, but the interactive prompt hung.
Anything typed at the interactive prompt now hangs.

I have removed and reinstalled pywin32. I even removed and reinstalled my
entire Python 2.6.1 installation (including deleting any
Python-related keys
in the registry). It still doesn't work :'(

Python itself (run from the command line) gives the expected:

Python 2.6.1 (r261:67517, Dec 4 2008, 16:51:00) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'python' is not defined

Any ideas how to get PythonWin working again? Anyone else see the same
issue (don't try this on your favorite system). I will file a bug on

I tracked down the source of the problem.

I am using Windows XP, SP3. Two days ago I changed Control Panel,
Regional and Language Options, Advanced tab, "Select a language to match
the language version of the non-Unicode programs you want to use:" from
"English (United States)" to "Chinese (PRC)" to work with Python 2.6 and
3.0 Unicode scripts dealing with Chinese characters at the console
prompt. I was able to fix the problem by returning the setting to
English, and reproduce the problem by setting it back to Chinese. It
turns out typing any command that throws an exception will crash
PythonWin with this setting, and any valid command hangs the interactive

I thought I'd used PythonWin since making the change, but it was
probably on another computer. Does PythonWin normally work on Chinese
Windows, where this setting would be the default? I imagine any Chinese
programmer wouldn't use PythonWin since it doesn't support Unicode to
begin with, although that may change for the eventual 3.0 release.

Anybody willing to try to reproduce this scenario before I file a bug?


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