On 6/10/2009 6:01 AM, Jon Southard wrote:
I would be grateful for any advice about a problem which is preventing
me from using Python for my current project.

I am hoping to use Python 2.6 on the server side with Microsoft ASP [not
ASP.NET; version details below]. The behavior I see is:

1. Load very simple page [text below] into browser [Firefox or IE,
versions below]. Everything displays, fine.
2. Exit browser, restart it, and reload the same page; or open a second
tab and load the same page.
3. In either case, page fails to load, with error:
Python ActiveX Scripting Engine, ASP 0211 (0x80020009)
A built-in ASP object has been referenced, which is no longer valid.
If I edit the page in any way, or just ‘touch’ it, and refresh the
browser, the page will load correctly the first time, and then fail
again as described.

Sorry for the delay. The problem seems to be caused by a silly bug in the axscript implementation.

To fix the issue locally:

* open 'win32comext/axscript/client/framework.py'

* search for ResetNamesItems - you should find the function def at line 747.

* Replace the implementation of that function with the one below:

        def ResetNamedItems(self):
                # Due to the way we work, we re-create persistent ones.
                existing = self.subItems
                self.subItems = {}
                for name, item in existing.iteritems():
                        if item.flags & axscript.SCRIPTITEM_ISPERSISTENT:
                                self.AddNamedItem(item.name, item.flags)

Note that sadly this file uses tabs for indentation, so make sure you get that correct. Also unwrap any long lines which my mailer wrapped.

* Restart IIS.

After that I can successfully reload the Python ASP samples (and before that I too saw the symptoms you described). I will check that into cvs so the next pywin32 version will have that fixed.



The page I am using has no actual Python scripting, just the LANGUAGE
directive and then the html and body tags with a little plain text. Of
course, things don’t get any better if I put in some actual Python.

I found a five-year-old newsgroup posting with what seemed to be a
similar (but not identical) problem. This thread said that the problem
went away if server-side debugging was turned off. I have it turned off,
no effect. I also tried adding some Response object settings to disallow
cacheing, but these did not have any effect.

Version Info:

Python: 2.6.2
PyWin: pywin32-214 (I ran the client\pyscript.py and server\axsite.py
scripts for setup)
Client OS: Windows XP Pro SP2
Browsers: Firefox 3.0.14, IE 8.0.6 [identical bug]
Server: IIS 5.1

Note, I also tried using Python 3.1 with corresponding pywin, but I
could not get that to work with ASP at all; just got server 500 errors.
I’d prefer to use 2.6 anyway since I am fairly new to Python.

I would be very grateful for any expert pointers on this, since if I
can’t solve it I will probably have to go use PHP, Javascript, or
something else. Thank you!

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