Tim Golden wrote:

import wmi

c = wmi.WMI (namespace="cimv2/Applications/WindowsParentalControls")
rules = c.WpcURLOverride (Sid=kelsey.SID)
print len (rules)

I've encountered a glitch: I can't seem to update the values in the rules I retrieve. The relevant snippet is
con = wmi.WMI(namespace=wpcns)
rules = con.WpcURLOverride (Sid=kelsey.SID)
for r in rules:
   if r.URL.endswith("facebook.com/"):
       # flip whether or not the site is allowed
       r.Allowed = 3 - r.Allowed
       print r.URL, r.Allowed, "(%s)"%allowInterp(r.Allowed), kelsey.name
This never changes the value of Allowed, even between the line where it is set and printed out, much less between runs.

The comparable VBS does work:
For Each url in urls
   If re.Execute(url.URL).Count > 0 Then
       url.Allowed = 3-url.Allowed
       WScript.Echo url.URL, url.Allowed

   End If

Any ideas (I am running privileged)?

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