Tim Golden wrote:
Ross Boylan wrote:
Tim Golden wrote:

import wmi

c = wmi.WMI (namespace="cimv2/Applications/WindowsParentalControls")
rules = c.WpcURLOverride (Sid=kelsey.SID)
print len (rules)

I've encountered a glitch: I can't seem to update the values in the rules I retrieve. The relevant snippet is
con = wmi.WMI(namespace=wpcns)
rules = con.WpcURLOverride (Sid=kelsey.SID)
for r in rules:
    if r.URL.endswith("facebook.com/"):
        # flip whether or not the site is allowed
        r.Allowed = 3 - r.Allowed
print r.URL, r.Allowed, "(%s)"%allowInterp(r.Allowed), kelsey.name
This never changes the value of Allowed, even between the line where it is set and printed out, much less between runs.

Curious. FWIW, the Put_ shouldn't be necessary; the underlying
setattr code does that for you. (Altho' it won't do any harm).
At least in VBS, Put_ was necessary. Allowed updated fine without it, but the change did not persist.

This WMI provider seems to be Vista+ (and I'm on XP).
I think Parental Controls is new with Vista. It is also unavailable on server class systems, i.e, Windows 7 is the only other system that currently does.
I'll try
to get hold of a Vista/W7 machine to check this out on. It's quite
possible that there's a bug in the wmi module, not least because very
few WMI classes actually allow direct updating. (The Win32_Service
class, for example, exposes updates via a method). However, my
unit test for this particular operation succeeds against the
Win32_Environment instance.

The underlying COM Object is held as the .ole_object attribute of
the wmi instance (here: r) so as a workaround you could try: (untested)

allowed = r.ole_object.Properties_ ("Allowed").Value
r.ole_object.Properties_ ("Allowed").Value = 3 - allowed
r.ole_object.Put_ ()

I tried that; it didn't help. The following code without the wmi module works (eliding the code that got the kelsey object):

import win32com.client, sys

# would have been better to use raw strings r"...."
topns = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2"
wpcns = topns + "\\Applications\\WindowsParentalControls"

locator = win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SwbemLocator")

con = locator.ConnectServer(".", wpcns)
rules = con.InstancesOf("WpcURLOverride")
for r in rules:
   if r.URL.endswith("facebook.com/") and r.SID == kelsey.SID:
       # flip whether or not the site is allowed
       print r.Allowed, 3-r.Allowed
       r.Allowed = 3 - r.Allowed
       print r.URL, r.Allowed, "(%s)"%allowInterp(r.Allowed), kelsey.name

BTW, my attempts at limiting the scope of the queries with lines like
con.ExecQuery("select * from WpcURLOverride where SID = %s"%kelsey.SID)

always get syntax errors (from within com--the example above might not be valid python, but it's like things that were valid!). Hence the cumbersome procedure above.

The other parental controls-specific annoyance is that there doesn't seem to be a way to make a new WpcURLOverride and insert it in the list. The class itself (in its mof file) doesn't permit instantiation (I tried anyway--didn't work), and I don't see any factory methods in other parts of the subsystem.

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