I've been quite a laggard with source control for pywin32 - we are still on CVS and I've been waiting for a sign from above about which dvcs to move to - and with the current CVS outage at sourceforge and their plan to end-of-life CVS services, I really need to bite the bullet.

For a while hg was the only option, then bzr and git joined the crowd. With Python still targeting a move to hg from svn, that seems like the obvious choice - but I've been a bit unhappy with my hg experiences and with some of the discussions about how Python's workflow needs to change to accommodate it. I initially struggled to get my head around git, but now that I am becoming more familiar with it I like it alot. Windows support for both is currently fairly reasonable - especially if you don't care too much about "tortoise" style shell integration - which I don't. Both hg and git finally seem to have workable options to support Windows line-endings in files.

Does anyone else in pywin32-land have any opinions about this? Does anyone feel strongly one way or another?


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