Thanks for your reply.  I tested this on another box and I did not get the
error.  I then tried different code that uses COM to manipulate Excel on
my machine which I know works and has worked in the past and I ended up
getting the error with that code.  So I know for sure it is the local
install of Excel on my machine.

Thanks for your help Mark and Tim.  I greatly appreciate it.  Sorry to
bother you and the mailing list with a problem that was not rooted in


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Hammond []
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 10:09 PM
To: Mark Mordeca
Subject: Re: [python-win32] Excel "stopped working" after reading in sheet

On 31/05/2011 6:09 PM, Tim Golden wrote:
> On 30/05/2011 21:26, Mark Mordeca wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I would appreciate any help I could get with the following problem. 30%
>> of the time after running the following code to get the sheet names out
>> of an excel file, I will receive a windows error saying that "Microsoft
>> Office Excel has stopped working".
> A few points:
> * The underlying problem is almost certainly going to be a subtle
> timing interaction around the refcounting on the pywin32 CDispatch
> objects which are proxying for the underlying Windows objects.
> It's a maze of twisty passages, so I'll let Mark or Roger comment
> if they think there's something to be said.

Unless I misunderstand, I don't think that will be the problem.  The
sample is simple enough that each of the Python objects will die
deterministically (ie, without relying on GC etc), which means all COM
references will also be managed deterministically.  IOW, I think anyone
running the sample will have exactly the same COM references being
manipulated in same way each time it is run.

I fear the problem will just be something to do with the local install
of Excel.  It might help if you can reproduce it on another box, or even
try and reproduce it on the same box using something like wscript.
<side-note> I recently had a problem where firefox would regularly hang
and need to be force stopped.  After waiting for update to fix the
problem, I bit-the-bullet and attached a debugger to a hanging instance
to see if I could report a reasonable firefox bug on the issue.  The
stack frames led me to the conclusion opengl (or something like it) was
being used.  On a whim I looked for a new video driver and magically the
problem went away.  ie, a driver actually caused one single application
on my box to look very much like that app - and that app alone - had a
strange bug - but it turned out to be nothing to do with the application
at all.  Your problem might be similar.

Also, FWIW, it isn't a "windows error" as such - it is simply an excel
crash which Windows Error Reporting is taking action on.  A fairly
subtle difference, but the point is that the crash is "simple",
constrained to Excel itself and not something serious that is upsetting
Windows.  Not that that helps you though...

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