Bill Allen wrote:
> I have the process for using win32com.client to create and put text
> into a Word document.   How about filling in fields in an existing
> Word document?   I am looking for more information on working with MS
> Word documents using the Python win32 facilities.

We've just been having this discussion.  The hard part is figuring out
which functions in the Word object model will do what you need.  After
you know which functions you need, it's relatively easy to convert the
VB or C# code to Python.

In this case, the Document object contains a Fields collection that hold
all of the fields in the document.  You will probably need to run
through the fields in the Fields collection, figure out which ones are
fill-in fields (as opposed to page number fields, or date fields, or one
of the other thousand field types), and change the value.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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