I had initially posted this to python-help and I was pointed to post on
this mailing list.

I am trying to automate building Python-2.7.6 for our project. The reason
we are not using a precompiled python is because in our project we embed
python into our applications address space. Our application uses a
different version of few of the libraries that Python is built with, most
importantly OpenSSL. Since they exist in the same address space we have
issues with our application crashing very horribly. We decided that we
should compile Python and its dependencies so that we can ensure

I come from a Linux background and building on Windows is new to me and I
am like a fish out of water. I did some reading and poking around the
PCbuild, PC, Tools directory I am trying to automate the process as follows

1) Set the environment variables: specifically PATH, INCLUDE, LIB, LIBPATH
to point to the x64 directory of Windows SDK and VC directories for PATH
and amd64 directories for LIB and LIBPATH. I basically looked into the path
that is being set by vcvarsamd64.bat and adding them to appropriate
environment variables. I am not adding the path to FRAMEWORK.
2) Then start the build process using 'vcbuild /useenv /nocolor pcbuild.sln

However, when I the vcbuild command is issued it still tries to build
make_versioninfo and make_buildinfo as "Release|Win32". This causes their
builds to break with the following error "fatal error LNK1112: module
machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'X86'".

I was wondering how do I ensure that these are built appropriately as
either x64 or how should I set the path appropriately so that vcbuild picks
the correct path for Win32 for these two projects and x64 paths for the
remaining projects.

As a work around I manually edited the pcbuild.sln file and set it to build
for "Release|x64" for make_versioninfo and make_buildinfo. That threw few
more errors about unresolved symbols which I got around to by manually
editing the respective vcproj files.

I do have numerous other build issues that I need to fix. I was hoping
somebody could help me with getting python building correctly.
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