On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 10:47 AM, Tim Roberts <t...@probo.com> wrote:
> Bharath Ramesh wrote:
>> We use numerous third party libraries, one being PyOpenSSL We have
>> already rebuilt it with a newer version of OpenSSL. We continue to
>> have the same issue. We have some part of the code that make secure
>> connection using sockets, I think those end up using the ssl module
>> from Python. However, I am not the one who debugged this to be this
>> issue on windows
> I need to back off of my original assertion, because I was wrong.  The
> Python ssl module does use OpenSSL.  I didn't see it doing any imports,
> so I assumed it was using something else.
> However, it links to it statically, so there shouldn't be any DLL conflicts.
>> Another team member who had debugged the windows side of our project.
>> Unfortunately, I am no windows expert and he was the one who done the
>> initial debugging and come to the conclusion that the issue is with
>> regards to multiple OpenSSL dll being loaded into the same address
>> space. He is not part of our team any more and I am faced with
>> rebuilding all our tools to ensure consistency.
> It is not generally possible to load multiple versions of a single DLL
> in Windows.  The system loader will satisfy the externals from the
> already loaded version.  You certainly can have multiple copies of a
> statically linked library, but it's not clear to me how that would cause
> any problems.

I am not sure if I am correct in describing what is possibly
happening. I have OpenSSL statically compiled with Python v0.9.8. I
have another third party library that uses another version of OpenSSL
1.0.1, linked dynamically. My application is dynamically linked with
the same version of OpenSSL as the third party library. During the
execution of my application. I load Python to run some code and that
code then tries to interact with the third party library linked
dynamically. Would newer version of OpenSSL DLL be loaded or would it
be satisfied with the version of OpenSSL statically loaded.

>> I am not subscribed to the list would appreciate if I am copied on the reply.
> Then please be sure to cc the list.  And wouldn't it be easier just to
> join the list until your issue is resolved?

I have subscribed to the list now.

I discussed the issue you had raised with our team, but the consensus
was to go ahead and build Python with a newer version of OpenSSL. So I
would still need help in building OpenSSL. I have managed to build
Python on windows now as standalone without using our build system. I
see numerous warnings during this time basically issues with size
mismatch like:
..\Python\Python-ast.c(3348) : warning C4244: 'function' : conversion
from 'Py_ssize_t' to 'int', possible loss of data

Is there anyway these warning could be fixed without modifying the
code. I am using the vsbuild to build python using pcbuild.sln file. I
am building it for 64 bit windows. I dont see these errors on the
32bit build.
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