>Bharath Ramesh wrote:
>> I am trying to automate building Python-2.7.6 for our project. The
>> reason we are not using a precompiled python is because in our project
>> we embed python into our applications address space. Our application
>> uses a different version of few of the libraries that Python is built
>> with, most importantly OpenSSL. Since they exist in the same address
>> space we have issues with our application crashing very horribly. We
>> decided that we should compile Python and its dependencies so that we
>> can ensure consistency.
>Well, hang on a minute.  There are a few issues here, and overall I
>think you're on the wrong track completely.
>The address space thing is a red herring.  The Python interpreter is
>actually a DLL, and it ALWAYS runs in the address space of the process
>that invokes it.  If you look at the command line "python.exe", you'll
>see that it is tiny (27k bytes).  All it does is load the Python DLL and
>jump to it.
>More importantly, neither the base Python interpreter nor any part of
>its standard library uses OpenSSL, so rebuilding the interpreter isn't
>going to help you one bit.  If you are having conflicts, then it is a
>conflict with some add-on module.  Now, maybe you need to rebuild that
>add-in module using your OpenSSL, but you can do that without rebuilding
>the interpreter.

We use numerous third party libraries, one being PyOpenSSL We have
already rebuilt it with a newer version of OpenSSL. We continue to
have the same issue. We have some part of the code that make secure
connection using sockets, I think those end up using the ssl module
from Python. However, I am not the one who debugged this to be this
issue on windows

>You need to take some time and chase down what the crash really is,
>because I don't think you really know right now.

Another team member who had debugged the windows side of our project.
Unfortunately, I am no windows expert and he was the one who done the
initial debugging and come to the conclusion that the issue is with
regards to multiple OpenSSL dll being loaded into the same address
space. He is not part of our team any more and I am faced with
rebuilding all our tools to ensure consistency.

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