Here's my code so far. Ignore some of the code that doesn't seem to 'do' 
anything. It's a work in progress! The problem lies in a complete piece of 
code/script that *should *run. I'm putting blue lines in where I think the 
issue might be:

*1.    import maya.cmds as mc*
*       import pymel.core.datatypes as pym   *
*       #clearing up the scene *
*       mc.delete()*

*       #defining my User Interface window*
*       def createSUI():*
*           #checking to see if my window exists and deleting*
*           if mc.window('myWin', exists=True):*
*               mc.deleteUI('myWin')*
*           #creating window and setting layout*
*           windowID = mc.window('myWin', rtf=True, t="Can't Stop Stairing 
- Stair Maker 2015", backgroundColor=(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), mnb=False, mxb=False, 
*           mc.columnLayout(w=400, h=600)*
*20.    *
*           #placing banner image*
*           imagePath = mc.internalVar(userPrefDir=True) 
*           mc.image(image=imagePath)*
*           mc.separator(h=5)*
*           #creating my physical in-window sliders*
*           mc.intSliderGrp('stepWidthSlider', l = 'Step Width', v=20, 
min=1, max=40, field=True)*
*           mc.separator(h=5)*
*30.       mc.floatSliderGrp('stepHeightSlider', l = 'Step Height', v=4.2, 
min=0.5, max=8.0, field=True)*
*           mc.separator(h=5)*
*           mc.floatSliderGrp('stepDepthSlider', l = 'Step Depth', v=5.2, 
min=0.5, max=10, field=True)*
*           mc.separator(h=5)*
*           mc.intSliderGrp('numSteps', l = 'Number of Steps', v=50, min=2, 
max=100, field=True)*
*           mc.separator(h=5)*
*           #creating my physical in-window button*
*           mc.button(l= 'Make Step', backgroundColor=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), 
w=400, h=50, c = 'myStep()')*
*40.      mc.separator(h=5)*
*           mc.button(l= 'Make Spiral Stairs', backgroundColor=(0.3, 0.3, 
0.3), w=400, h=50, c='makeSpiralStairs()')*
*           mc.separator(h=5)*
*           mc.button(l= 'Make Straight Stairs', backgroundColor=(0.35, 
0.35, 0.35), w=400, h=50, c='makeStraightStairs()')*
*           mc.separator(h=5)*
*           mc.button(l= 'Change Stair Material', backgroundColor=(0.4, 
0.4, 0.4), w=400, h=50, c='applyMaterial()')*
*           mc.separator(h=5)*
*           mc.button(l= 'Delete All', backgroundColor=(0.45, 0.45, 0.45), 
w=400, h=50, c='deleteStairs()')*
*           mc.showWindow('myWin')*
*50.        #fetching data from User Interface sliders*

*       def myStep():*
*           mc.polyCube(w = myStepWidth(), h = myStepHeight(), d = 
myStepDepth(), n = 'myStep')    **~~~~~~~~~~~~*
*       def myStepDepth():*
*           return mc.floatSliderGrp('stepDepthSlider', q = True, value = 
True) **~~~~~~~~~~~~*

*       def myStepHeight():*
*           return mc.floatSliderGrp('stepHeightSlider', q = True, value = 
True)    *
*60.    *
*       def myStepWidth():*
*           return mc.intSliderGrp('stepWidthSlider', q = True, value = 
*       def numOfMySteps():*
*           return mc.intSliderGrp('numSteps', q = True, value = True)*
*       #calculating rotate integer for Spiral Stairs from step dimension 
slider values      *
*       def rotationRadian():*
*70.       return 
pym.atan((myStepDepth()-(0.15*myStepDepth()))/myStepWidth()) ~~~~~~~~~~~~*
*       print rotationRadian()*

*       def rotationFactor():*
*           return pym.degrees(rotationRadian())*
*       print rotationFactor()              *

*       def makeSpiralStairs():*
*           i=0*
*80.       myStep()*
*           while i < 80:*
*               mc.duplicate()*
*               mc.move(0, myStepHeight(), 0, relative=True)*
*               mc.rotate(0, rotationFactor(), 0, relative=True) *
*               i+=1*
*       def makeStraightStairs():*
*           myStep()*
*90.       mc.duplicate (rr = True)*
*           mc.move (0, 0.8*myStepHeight(), -0.8*myStepDepth(), relative = 
True) **~~~~~~~~~~~~*
*           for i in range (numOfMySteps()):*
*               #Duplicates the step again using the previous transform*
*               mc.duplicate (rr = True, st = True)*
*       def applyMaterial():*
*           myShader = mc.shadingNode('mia_material_x', asShader=True)*
* 'myCube*')*
*100.     mc.hyperShade(assign = myShader) *
*       def deleteStairs():*
* *
*           mc.delete()   *

*       createSUI()*

The error code is exactly: #Error: RuntimeError: file <maya console> line 
56: Object 'stepDepthSlider' not found. I don't know what could be wrong? 
The only difference in stepDepthSlider is that it is used in my rotate 
function... but so is stepWidthSlider!



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