On Feb 11, 2006, at 4:22 PM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:

> On 11-feb-2006, at 1:40, Charles Hartman wrote:
>> On Feb 10, 2006, at 5:31 PM, Bill Janssen wrote:
>>> And how about bundling tcltkaqua into it, as well?
>> Because some of us, at least, have no interest in tcl. I'm not  
>> clear whether its presence interferes with wx (thing #421 that I'm  
>> not clear about), but it doesn't help; why should I want it on my  
>> system?
> Because _tkinter, and hence IDLE use it? IDLE seems to be the only  
> ready-to-use acceptable Python IDE right now.

I'm not very happy about that (and I don't know that anyone else is,  
either; Bob I. has described some of the problems with IDLE), but if  
it's the way it is it's the way it is. But here I am, a rank  
beginner, I look at the descriptions of wxPython and its rivals and  
decide I like wx -- can I install that, and begin building apps with  
it, from IDLE?

We all seem to recognize the need for flexibility in preferences  
about IDEs (since there's no clear, free, Mac-native choice). But GUI  
libraries may be different. I feel it's important not to foreclose  
the wx possibility, and I'm still not clear about what that entails,  
though a recent post by Bob (which I can't find at the moment)  
partially addressed this.


> Not that I want to bundle Tcl/Tk,

--especially given the download/install overhead, right?

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