On Oct 13, 2006, at 7:35 PM, Dethe Elza wrote:

One thing that you could try: insert 'import sys; print sys.path' at the top of __boot__.py (in the Resources directory of the saver) to see the value of sys.path. That value seems to be wrong.

This is a very good clue. Here is the sys.path from a working application built with the same version(s) of all the tools:

I've done a clean install of python, py2app, PyObjC and related packages and can now reproduce your problem.

I hope I've also fixed the problem in revision 47 of py2app. It turns out the app stub and bundle stub use a slightly different way to setup the python environment, which means the right python path must be set in the Info.plist for plugins but not for applications.

Setting up the right environment for plugins is also very hard, if not impossible to do completely correct: cpython just isn't designed for having several completely seperate interpreters in one application (and no, Py_NewInterpreter/Py_EndInterpreter don't count). Different plugin bundles with py2app will share part of the environment, such as having a shared sys.path.


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