On Oct 13, 2006, at 1:15 AM, Dethe Elza wrote:

So still no idea why it's working for you, but not for me. Anything else you can think of? I followed the instructions in the py2app docs for removing old versions of py2app. If everything is encapsulated in the .egg, perhaps I can revert to the earlier version that worked?

Reverting to an older version should work as well, with the caveat that the latest pre-setuptools version of py2app has some problems w.r.t. universal binaries (which is why Bob switched to the current version).

I'm going to do a fresh install of Python, PyObjC and py2app to see if that helps to find the problem, but don't have time to do so today.

One thing that you could try: insert 'import sys; print sys.path' at the top of __boot__.py (in the Resources directory of the saver) to see the value of sys.path. That value seems to be wrong.


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