Ronald Oussoren wrote:
AFAIK Bob intented py2app to be compatible with py2exe when
specifying what to build. That won't always work though due
> to differences between the two platforms.

There are differences that are because of platform. I think datafiles are handles differently at least.

If you want to consider those bugs, I could try to dig into some of my setups and identify the issues I've found -- but that won't be for a couple weeks at least (vacation!)

It might be useful to think about a cleaner way to specify what to
build, I don't particularly like the current way and especially not when
building more complex applications.

agreed -- though it's no horrible.

I totally agree that is would be better to try to get the various
stand-alone builders to at least share code for the common
functionality. A common API for the various components would help
with that, but it would IMHO be better to actually merge the various

Me too, but that requires cooperation, which may be hard to come by. I'd at least contact the ebb-freeze guy (Ralf?) -- he seemed a little confused about how to share code -- for instance, he said he couldn't use py2exe's code for including the icon because of licensing, but it looked like the license was compatible to me. With a little encouragement, maybe he'd be glad to share more.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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