On 31 Jul, 2010, at 3:09, Greg Ewing wrote:

> Virgil Dupras wrote:
>> Is it possible that py2app is a little too complex for what
>> it does?
> I think a lot of the complexity of py2app and py2exe come
> from trying to automatically figure out what modules and
> libraries need to be included.

I object to calling py2app complex, the code base is fairly easy to understand. 
  Have you even looked at the code base?

> I've been thinking for a while about creating something
> simpler that doesn't attempt any automatic module discovery
> at all. You would be required to construct a project file
> that explicitly lists all the required modules and libraries,
> including standard library modules.

That is not simpler, it just shifts the complexity to the user. It is better to 
shift the complexity away from the user, that way the user does not have to 
reinvent the weel.  


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