Am 2010-08-28 um 19:57 schrieb Monte Milanuk:
Hello all,
Now that I have things more or less back to the original for 10.6 on
my Macbook, I'd like to install a slightly more up-to-date version
for learning to develop with. Some of the things I'm interested in
working with include wxpython/dabo, tkinter (with the new ttk themed
widgets), pygame, etc. On the one hand I'd rather just jump
straight to 3.1.x at this point, but since a lot of the above don't
seem to be ported to 3.x yet... I guess that limits my choices?
I'd recommend 2.6, since some libraries still don't work with 2.7
(just saw on the dabo list: kinterbasdb); if you find that all major
libraries that you need support 2.7, take that.
I guess it will need "some" more time, until 3.x is really usable,
since some important libs aren't ported yet (and I don't know if they
ever will).
So... which route would you recommend, and why: MacPython from, Activestate Python, or MacPorts python. Pros and cons
would be appreciated.
I'd suggest the disribution, since most binary packages are
made for that.
I guess ActiveState's is also good (I had always good experience with
their Python and Perl distributions für Windows), and perhaps they
handled the Tk problems (see other threads on this list) better than
others, I don't know - I'll never use Tk again.
If DarwinPorts have everything you need in the versions you need, you
can also choose this way, esp. if you install a lot of ports anyway. I
use their pythons only in their apps.
Since I use only (sticking to what I know and works), I
can't vote for one or the other.
Greetlings from Lake Constance!
--- (I'm an assurer)
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