This python development convo has been by far the most informative so
far. I'm coming at this from very much a hobbyist position. I'm a
teacher and I want one programming language that lets me solve my real
problems. I also want the same language to be able to do native Mac
stuff too, if I ever have the need. I also want it to be a mature and
thriving language, something, frankly, that would be noticed on my CV.
And I want all of those things to be the same programming language
because I don't have time to invest in learning how to actively use

That to me, is what Python embodies.

But I'm still confused on some major points on what it offers.

>By the way, Python is more than "just another good scripting
>language". I build large systems with it.  I do (rarely) write Mac
>"applications" with Python.  I use Xcode and Cocoa-Python, and
>IMO it works great.  Is that using py2app "under the covers"?  This
>is another reason not to install a non-system Python; it sometimes
>screws up apps built using Xcode and Python.

I'm trying really hard to unpack this. I can't use XCode and the
py-objc bridge with my "installed" python 2.7 setup? (Installed isn't
quite the right word, I know.) Why not? I guess it's because something
is hard-coded somewhere ...

I don't particularly "need" XCode but I really want to understand this.

Can't tell you how much I had read this conversation back, about a
year ago, when I first started learning Python. ...

-Adam Morris
Teacher, programmer, trying to combine the two
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

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