Chris Weisiger <> writes:

> In short, if you are coding for other people who are not themselves
> programmers and who use OSX, then you want py2app.

I definitely agree with this.  Py2app lets my self-contained Python
apps conform to the platform norm that users are expecting.  In that
respect it's along the lines of py2exe (plus something like InnoSetup)
on Windows letting me match those user's expectations with a single
binary installer (exe or msi) that they can just run.

For my Mac users, they want a DMG that contains the app to drag to
Applications, or the mpkg to do the installation for them.  So pretty
much anything I'm going to supply them is going to use py2app first,
then get packaged (optionally with PackageMaker) into a DMG through

It also has the added benefit of having absolutely no dependence on
their local environment, aside from core OSX system libraries.

-- David

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

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