On 1/17/11 9:17 AM, Bill Janssen wrote:
And- I want to update the default python that came om my macbook pro to 2.7.
Should I do install that from Python.org?

My advice?  I've never had good luck trying to "update" the default
Python that comes with the Mac.

Bill -- I'm really curious what issues you've had -- I haven't tried to use Apple's Python is many years (OS-X 10.2, I think) -- and it used to be painful to do so. Since then I've stuck with the Python.org versions, and had no problems (at least none that would have been solved by using Apple's Python).

Here's my decision tree:

1) Do I do a bunch of unix-y command line stuff in general, and not want to develop OS-X GUIs?

if yes -- use Macports

if no:

Do I need/want a newer version than Apple provides?

if yes: python.org build

Do I need/want to use py2app to distribute my app(s)?

if yes: use the Python.org build

Do I want to use pre-build binaries of common hard-to-build packages?

if yes: use the python.org build.

You can see that most roads lead to the python.org builds.

That being said, to be clear:

You don't "upgrade" Apple's python. Rather, you install a new one alongside it, and use that for your work.

It is safe to build (and run) a non-Framework build of other versions of
Python in various places on your Mac, but life gets complicated if you
attempt to "install" it.

Again, I've never had a complication from an installed python.org build. You sure would if you put it in the same place as Apple's but the installers don't do that.


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