I want to start App development in python for Windows and Mac OS platforms, so 
please suggest me some IDE to work on. I have gone through some like PyCharm. 
But, either they are expensive or it was hard to configure on my machine.

I have also  tried komodo edit but really not getting comfortable with it.

Please advice.

PS: I am using Mac OS Lion.

Vishal Ruhela
From: Pierre Ratinaud
Sent: 20-02-2013 03:08
To: pythonmac-sig@python.org
Subject: Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] py2app : strange behavior maybe relative to 

I have put this in my code :
     env = os.environ.copy()
     if sys.platform == 'darwin' and 'LC_ALL' not in env:
         env['LC_ALL'] = 'en_US.UTF-8'
and now I use Popen like this :
Popen(mycommand, env = env)
Maybe it's a little less suboptmal then changing user's environment :)
But it's not a definive solution cause I'm forcing a locale and I'm not
sure it will work in every context... Time will say :)
Thank you for your help

Le 18/02/2013 22:18, Ronald Oussoren a écrit :
> On 18 Feb, 2013, at 21:22, Pierre Ratinaud <ratin...@univ-tlse2.fr> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> I'm not sure. What kind of encoding error occurs? The exact error message 
>>> might give a hint as to what's going on here.
>> The only message I had was in Console. The software I'm using with Popen (R) 
>> is complaining (in french) about encoding in my script.
>> My tests and googling leave me to the conclusion that it is an environment 
>> problem :
>> in the working cases, locale.getpreferredencoding() give me fr_FR.UTF-8 but 
>> when double-clicking on the app it gives me us_US.ASCII.
>> In R, Sys.getlocale() give me :
>> and just
>> "C" when double-clicking.
>> This happens with or without --emulate-shell-environment
>> So environment (locale) is not set when double-clicking on app. Also, 
>> setting locale in my R script resolves the problem, but it's not a solution 
>> in my case (a lot of R script to change). I am about to test setting locale 
>> in python (with the env option of Popen), but I need to reboot in OS X : )
>> Thanks for your help.
> The startup binary voor pyapp forces LC_CTYPE to en_US.UTF-8 during the call 
> to Py_Initialize, and resets it to whatever it was before afterwards. This is 
> primairly done to ensure a sane I/O encoding when using Python 3 (that is, 
> for the '.UTF-8' bit).
> I can only test with 10.6 in a virtual machine, I should have some time later 
> this week to do so (in particular to check what locale related environment 
> variables are set automaticly there and to find why 
> --emulate-shell-environmet doesn't pick those up).
> You can force the right settings by setting them yourself in your python 
> script (os.environ['LC_CTYPE'] = 'fr_FR.UTF-8', etc., etc., before calling 
> subprocess.Popen). That's suboptimal, but should at least give you a working 
> program without changing all R scripts.
> Ronald
>> Regards
>> Pierre
>> Le 18/02/2013 13:28, Ronald Oussoren a écrit :
>>> On 17 Feb, 2013, at 10:02, Pierre Ratinaud <ratin...@univ-tlse2.fr> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I have create a .app with py2app for a wxpython application. The resulting 
>>>> app does not work as expected if I double click on it (it works but 
>>>> somewhere in the process, an encoding problem appear from another program 
>>>> called with os.popen). This problem does not occur if I launch my app 
>>>> directly with python, it does not occur if I launch the app by double-clic 
>>>> on myapp inside the .app and it does not occur if I open the .app from a 
>>>> terminal with the "open" command.
>>>> This is happening with python 2.7.2, wxpython2.9, py2app 0.7.3 under Mac 
>>>> OS X 10.6.8.
>>>> What am I missing ?
>>> I'm not sure. What kind of encoding error occurs? The exact error message 
>>> might give a hint as to what's going on here.
>>> What's really strange is that double-clicking the app does not have the 
>>> same behavior as calling the open command, I'd expect that those would be 
>>> behave the same.
>>> Do you have a shell environment variable in your shell's profile 
>>> (.profile/.bash_profile/...) that is needed by the other program? Those 
>>> definitions aren't seen by applications launched through the Finger because 
>>> the Finder doesn't read the shell's profile.   You could try to use " 
>>> python setup.py py2app --emulate-shell-environment" to build the app 
>>> bundle, that activates a hack that does try to read the shell environment.
>>> Ronald
>>>> thanks
>>>> Pierre
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>>> --
>>> Pierre Ratinaud
>>> Maître de conférences
>>> Département des Sciences de l'Education et de la Formation
>>> Laboratoire LERASS : http://www.lerass.com/
>>> Université de Toulouse II - Le Mirail : http://www.univ-tlse2.fr/
>>> tel : 05 61 50 42 28
> --
> Pierre Ratinaud
> Maître de conférences
> Département des Sciences de l'Education et de la Formation
> Laboratoire LERASS : http://www.lerass.com/
> Université de Toulouse II - Le Mirail : http://www.univ-tlse2.fr/
> tel : 05 61 50 42 28
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