
I am a noob dummy learner and do not mind being treated as such...

I have a python script in a vritualenv (venv) that I am trying to launch
using launchd. The script calls a few modules, all of which are in the
venv, one of which I also wrote. By way of 'testing' I have created a bash
script that starts the python script, to ensure that it is the venv python
that is running my script.

I have written a .plist and saved it in ~/Library/LaunchAgents and loaded
it using:
    launchctl load -wF /path/to/.plist

The script will not execute and console log shows me the following:

    Mar 17 11:53:37 my-MacBook-Pro kernel[0]: CODE SIGNING:
           cs_invalid_page(0x1048fe000): p=1134[python] clearing CS_VALID

Does one have to code sign a python script to have it run by launchd?
Is my problem related to environment.plist?
Is it something else altogether ?!

I've googled for a couple of days and I have got nowhere really.

Any help is greatly appreciated,
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org
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