Hash: SHA1

> I think it was not a good idea to create these entries in tw 
> directly.

That's a pitty! Sorry for that... I was confused by "if you can create
the keys on translatewiki: do that."

> The normal way is to create a dictionary as described and make a 
> request at sf (or send a mail to me as well).

OK; so I did as you told me and created such a file with dict according
to the guide (but using trunk), the file 'thirdparty' is attached. But
I have to tell that using the script mentioned in guide did not work
well for me, beacuse of using trunk and slightly other key names...

Testing worked quite well, with:

>>> import wikipedia as pywikibot from pywikibot import i18n 
>>> i18n.twtranslate(pywikibot.getSite(),
u':* %s: %s - [%s letzte Bearbeitung] ({{PAGESIZE:%s}} Bytes) von %s (%s)'

(I know the '%s' should be explicitely named - that will be next step..)

> i18n dicts are placed in the rewrite branch. In trunk release i18n 
> directory is defined as svn:external which copies its content from 
> rewrite.

OK thanks! (may be that should be quite obvious to me... ;)

> There is no automatic mechanism to synchonize these dicts from 
> pywikipedia svn to tw and vice versa. It is necessary to outcheck 
> pwb svn at tw and to expand the yaml config file at mw svn and 
> perhaps run fuzzy bot to import the given translations.
>> From time to time the i18n dictionaries are created and 
>> backported to pwb svn.

So this is what you are doing for all translations in i18n directory?
Is this done manually? Do I have to do that also?

Greetings and thanks for support!
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entries in %s',
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with clean up: %i entries',
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'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-notify-maintmsg': u'BOT MESSAGE',
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({{PAGESIZE:%s}} bytes) by %s (%s)',
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have finished (surveillance stopped) - last edit by %s (%s)',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-parse-notify': u':* %s: <span 
class="plainlinks">[%s %s]</span> - last edit by [[User:%s]] (%s)',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-parse-warning': u':* Bot warning message: %s 
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-parse-start': u'; %d. %B %Y',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-parse-end': u'<noinclude>\n\nSummary generated 
from and at: ~~~~</noinclude>',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-parse-nonhuman': u'(no human editor found)',
'de': {
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-summary-head': u'Bot: ',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-summary-add': u'Diskussions-Zusammenfassung 
hinzugefügt (%i Einträge)',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-summary-mod': u'Diskussions-Zusammenfassung 
aktualisiert (%i Einträge in %s)',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-summary-clean': u'Diskussions-Zusammenfassung 
hinzugefügt und bereinigt (%i Einträge)',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-notify-changed': u'Diskussion verändert',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-notify-new': u'Neue Diskussion',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-notify-closed': u'Diskussion abgeschlossen',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-notify-maintmsg': u'BOT MESSAGE',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-notify-notify': u'Benachrichtigung',
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({{PAGESIZE:%s}} Bytes) von %s (%s)',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-parse-closed': u':* %s: %s alle Diskussionen 
wurden beendet (Überwachung gestoppt) - letzte Bearbeitung von %s (%s)',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-parse-notify': u':* %s: <span 
class="plainlinks">[%s %s]</span> - letzte Bearbeitung von [[User:%s]] (%s)',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-parse-warning': u':* Bot Warn-Nachricht: %s 
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-parse-start': u'; %d. %B %Y',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-parse-end': u'<noinclude>\n\nZusammenfassung 
erstellt von und um: ~~~~</noinclude>',
'thirdparty-drtrigonbot-sum_disc-parse-nonhuman': u'(keinen menschlichen 
Bearbeiter gefunden)',
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'bg': {
'sl': {
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'ms': {
'hr': {
'et': {
'new': {
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'simple': {
'gl': {
'th': {
'eu': {
'nn': {
'roa-rup': {
'el': {
'ht': {
'az': {
'tl': {
'la': {
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'ka': {
'mk': {
'ceb': {
'sh': {
'br': {
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'mr': {
'lv': {
'lb': {
'jv': {
'be-x-old': {
'cy': {
'is': {
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'sq': {
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'bpy': {
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'gu': {
'af': {
'nds': {
'ml': {
'qu': {
'scn': {
'ur': {
'ku': {
'zh-yue': {
'su': {
'ast': {
'nap': {
'bat-smg': {
'hy': {
'yo': {
'ga': {
'cv': {
'wa': {
'ksh': {
'ne': {
'pnb': {
'kn': {
'tg': {
'roa-tara': {
'vec': {
'yi': {
'gd': {
'tt': {
'zh-min-nan': {
'os': {
'uz': {
'pam': {
'als': {
'sah': {
'kk': {
'arz': {
'mi': {
'li': {
'am': {
'nah': {
'hsb': {
'glk': {
'co': {
'gan': {
'mn': {
'sco': {
'ia': {
'bcl': {
'my': {
'fo': {
'fiu-vro': {
'nds-nl': {
'si': {
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'sa': {
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'mt': {
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'nov': {
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'ang': {
'csb': {
'sc': {
'zh-classical': {
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'km': {
'lad': {
'cbk-zam': {
'pi': {
'frp': {
'ps': {
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'kw': {
'pa': {
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'stq': {
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'so': {
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'mhr': {
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'as': {
'ss': {
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'ha': {
'ee': {
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've': {
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'dz': {
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'fj': {
'ak': {
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'xh': {
'ny': {
'tn': {
'ff': {
'ki': {
'tum': {
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'tw': {
'chy': {

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