> # QA Tools Video "Standup" Meeting
> # Date: 2016-09-14
> # Time: 14:00 UTC
> (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/UTCHowto)
> # Location: https://bluejeans.com/2509415264
> One discussion that came up after Flock was that doing a video meeting
> would be worth trying to see how it works for us in terms of
> collaborating.
> In that vein, we're going to try this and see how well it works. This
> will be in bluejeans which does require flash and/or plugins to work.
> I'm not overly tied to it, this is just the easiest option for now :)
> https://bluejeans.com/2509415264
> The agenda is pretty simple: everyone takes a turn saying what they're
> working on this week and what, if anything, is keeping them from making
> progress.
> Hope to see people there.
> Tim

Hi Tim,

please add this to fedocal next time, I noticed the email only today (and only 
because others told me).

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