On Mon, 12 Sep 2016 09:53:53 -0600
Tim Flink <tfl...@redhat.com> wrote:


> One discussion that came up after Flock was that doing a video meeting
> would be worth trying to see how it works for us in terms of
> collaborating.
> In that vein, we're going to try this and see how well it works. This
> will be in bluejeans which does require flash and/or plugins to work.
> I'm not overly tied to it, this is just the easiest option for now :)


That seemed to go relatively well but I need to remember to push the
record button next time so that folks unable to attend can see what was

One of the topics that came up was how often to do these video
meetings. Having additional weekly meetings via video seems like
overkill but if there's an appropriate in-depth topic, meeting via
video to talk instead of type would be useful.

The two options we came up with are:

1. Switch the first qadevel meeting of every month to be via video,
   making sure that an agenda is sent out early enough for folks to be

2. Pencil in a video meeting once or twice a month on the Wednesday
   after qadevel meetings. Ask for video topics during the qadevel
   meeting and on email. If there are enough topics suggested which
   would benefit from talking instead of typing, meet on the following
   Wednesday to discuss via video. If there is no need to meet via
   video, skip it.

I realize that I'm changing things up a little bit from what we were
talking about at the end of the meeting but I have a small concern
about option 1 - one of the issues that we had today is that folks
weren't prepared because we didn't set an agenda.

If we switch one qadevel meeting per month  to video, how do we want to
handle setting the agenda early enough so that participants have enough
time to prepare?

Any thoughts or preferences?


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