On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 5:34 AM, keki rabadi <kekirab...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> My name is Keki I am from Melbourne Australia, I have been
> doing manual testing for about four years and have started automation practice
> for about a year. I understand and use ?Java from a Testers perspective and I 
> also
> have a good understanding of Selenium Webdriver API along with junit or 
> testing. I also have a clear understanding of Maven as a build tool and 
> concepts of Continuous integration.

Hello Keki,   Welcome to the Apache OpenOffice project.  I apologize
for not responding earlier.

We have some web pages to help orient new QA volunteers to the
project.  You might want to start here:


Since you already have some QA experience much of this will be review.
 But it will help you get started with things like signing up for a
Bugzilla account.

You mention experience with Java and JUnit.  You might want to then
take a look at our test automation framework.  It allows us to define
test cases using JUnit and run those against the OpenOffice GUI.

More info on the test automation is here:


Give that a try, and if you have any questions post to the list and me
or one of the other volunteers will try to help.



> thanks
> keki

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