On 6/30/05, Doctor Bill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The first problem I noticed is that with the 0.70 version, keys are
> not mapped correctly.  For example, if I try to type in a URL as soon
> as I press the letter e explorer opens.  As soon as I type the letter
> m, the window minimizes....   I installed a the "CVS" snapshot and
> that problem appears to be fixed.

It looks like I was premature in reporting the snapshot version fixes
the problem.
Even with the snapshot version, the same mapping problem occurs sometimes.
Usually, it is after a soft reboot.  For example, if I restart from
Windows 98 se to
DOS and then back to Windows 98 se then I get the key mapping where keys
act as hot keys regardless of focus.  However, I have experienced a few times
when the keyboard started off in that mode.  The general workaround seems to
be to do a shutdown of the virtual machine and then restart QEMU.

I have also found many applications which require a reboot run into
problems.  For example, some have already mentioned that GHOST boot
disks fail to work.  A problem not reported is that attempting to
convert C: drive from FAT16 to FAT32 using the windows utility will
also cause a general protection fault.  The workaround for the fat
conversion is
to mount the image as drive D.  For the GHOST problem I ended up
working around the problem by restoring the partition as real
partitions on the host OS and then converting them to image files.


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