Christian Walther wrote:

Doctor Bill wrote:

Even with the snapshot version, the same mapping problem occurs sometimes.
Usually, it is after a soft reboot.  For example, if I restart from
Windows 98 se to
DOS and then back to Windows 98 se then I get the key mapping where keys
act as hot keys regardless of focus. However, I have experienced a few times when the keyboard started off in that mode. The general workaround seems to
be to do a shutdown of the virtual machine and then restart QEMU.

Could this be a case of stuck modifier keys? Qemu's notion of which modifier keys are pressed can sometimes get out of sync with the real state of the keys. E.g. when you press the alt key to alt-tab away from qemu, it still thinks that the alt key is pressed afterwards, because it didn't receive the key-up event, not having focus at that point. This can be corrected by pressing and releasing the stuck modifier key after you switch back to Qemu.


Qemu-devel mailing list

I have noticed a similar "problem" with the numlock. It doesn't actually bother me as the solution is very simple, but when I start qemu with the numlock switched on then in qemu to get numlock on I have to turn it 'off' (ie no led on the keyboard) and vice versa.

Just a comment, about the keyboard state, perhaps in final polishing this may be considered important, but in actual doing stuff with qemu it doesn't actually reduce workability.



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