Manuel answers a message I  sent to him only. He includes all relevant
parts of my message except the link to the arcgis result:

There is no wld file for the input layer
The GCP table with errors can be seen here:

As I'm using gdallib1-, could this be a gdal problem? Could
anybody else using gdallib1-1.8 amd qgis1.7.3 verify (I provided all
necessary material)?

We have solved the practical issue for this particular image using
another software, so we are not in a hurry. But I'm a bit surprised
by the little attention that this problem is raising among developers.
A correct georeferencing is a critical
issue for a GIS. If this bug is confirmed, users should be warned.


2011/12/14 Manuel Massing <>:
> Hi Agus,
>> Cannot download,
>> I get:
>> Oops! This link appears to be broken.
> sorry, the correct link is
>> The procedure we follow is:
>> 1. Set project to CRS EPSG:23031
>> 2. No On the fly reprojection
>> 3. Start georeferencer and open ilerfly125v2.tif and its points file
>> with the settings displayed
> thats correct, and I did exactly the same (except for the scale change -
> might be worth checking out), but couldn't reproduce the shiftr (my results
> match
> the output of the arcgis version).
> I've got a lot on my plate right now, but if I find the time I'll try to
> look this is a regression in qgis or the georeferencer, as I said I'm still
> on 1.7 atm.
> How do the residuals look in the georeferencer? Is there a noticable bias
> (i.e. do they all point in one direction?)
> Also, make sure there was no world file influencing the unreferenced file
> (something like Ilerfly125v2.wld), the georeferencer can't handle that.
> I also noticed that you used a scale change, does the shift also appear
> without scale change?
> cheers,
> Manuel
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