No, putting symlinks (or anything) in /usr/* (other than /usr/local of course) 
is bad form on OS X.  /usr is for what Apple puts there.  User-installed stuff 
should be installed in /usr/local.  (Unfortunately, Qt does put some tools in 
/usr/bin, oh well).  The default PATH on OSX does include /usr/local/bin, for 
the shell at least, maybe not for apps.

There is a new feature in QGIS to set environment variables explicitly designed 
for stuff like this.  But it's not in 1.8, so it won't help sextante there.  
Maybe to be sure, sextante needs its own env prefs, like the GDAL tools has.

On Feb 24, 2013, at 1:07 PM, Phil Hess wrote:

>>> If you are talking about OS X, then `.app` bundles don't inherit
> environment variables from the same places Terminal apps do 
> You are correct, sir, although in testing I see that it's not really a
> difference between .app GUI apps and console apps, but rather how an app is
> launched. So starting QGIS by double-clicking means that
> /usr/local/bin is not in the env. path, but starting it from the Terminal
> like this means that /usr/local/bin _is_ in the path:
> open /Applications/
> Another fix might be for a future SAGA package to create a symlink to
> saga_cmd in /usr/bin - that's always on the env. path regardless of how QGIS
> is launched.
> Thanks.
> -Phil

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

"I ache, therefore I am.  Or in my case - I am, therefore I ache."

- Marvin

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