Hi Michaƫl,

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 6:36 PM, kimaidou <kimai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a simple processing python alg which
> * generates a buffer with qgis:buffer
> * use qgis:fieldcalculator to add an buf_area field -> the output vector
> of my alg is this buffer+new field.
> I would like to parse the features of the output vector in order to gather
> some information and put it in a new string output. I have not been able to
> get the layer object to perform a getFeatures on it.
> See the code
> http://paste.debian.net/1010463/
> In line 32, my blayer is None
> I think I am not using the good way to get the output vector layer
> features? I tried to use the same way as for reading an input layer, but
> oviously it is different.

What does happen if you put area_result['OUTPUT'] directly instead of
parameterAsSource() accept a parameter as first argument and area_result
should be already un QgsVectorLayer.

Where you are trying to execute it from?

Salvatore Larosa
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