I'll just disable grass for now as I do not want to compile qt-4.5 myself. I'm more interested in the improvements to open/save dialogs and testing those.

The patch applied successfully, but the build failed. I went back through some of the ts files one at a time as errors popped up during make and deleted more problematic lines. Apparently some additional changes to those since you created your patch. I'm using the most current source. The build succeeded from there, but I've no idea what effect these changes have on the translations.

I guess we now need someone to fix qgsgrassshell.cpp to drop the qt3 dependency. That and somehow handle the qt-4.5 issues with the translations without the need to patch or hand edit them.


On Dec 30, 2008, at 9:01 PM, Tom Elwertowski wrote:

John C. Tull wrote:
Have you tried building with the qt-4.5 beta that recently was released? I'm trying with the binary from trolltech (have not tried a source build yet), but seem to be hitting some issues with international support (maybe the binary does not have that included; it's not a big download). The grass plugin also appears to still be a problem.

Here are the latest patches for Qt4.5:

The lrelease messages are right. There are duplicate strings in the .ts files. I first saw this a few weeks ago and thought it was a bad Qt snapshot release.

It looks like older versions of lupdate were extracting the degree and copyright symbols as &#xb0 and &#xa9. Newer versions extract the symbol unmodified and add "encoding=UTF-8." Old strings are tagged "obsolete" but never removed; the translators decide for themselves whether to remove old strings or save them for potential reuse if they expect similar phrases to reappear. Qt4.4 ignores the duplicates but Qt4.5 now doesn't. Since the message is at least three weeks old, I assume it's permanent.

The grass shell still uses Q3TextEdit so a patch is needed or you need to build Qt with 64bit support disabled and Qt3Support enabled. The patch does not render large blocks of output correctly but covering and uncovering the window will show the correct output.


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