On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 10:12:39PM +0100, G. Allegri wrote:
> >> This is forbidden by the Google user licence.
> Are you sure? Why should it be forbidden?

>From The Google Maps/Google Earth APIs Terms of Service
Read specially 10.8:

  ... you must not (nor may you permit anyone else to):

  10.1 access or use the Service or any Content through any 
  technology or means other than those provided in the Service, 
  or through other explicitly authorized means Google may designate;


  10.3 pre-fetch, cache, or store any Content, except that you 
  may store limited amounts of Content for the purpose of 
  improving the performance of your Maps API Implementation if you do
  so temporarily, securely, and in a manner that does not permit use 
  of the Content outside of the Service;


  10.8 use the Static Maps API other than in an implementation in 
  a web browser;

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy
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