Dear list,
thanx for sharing your insights on spatialite etc. (i like spatialite as well very much and also prefer the spatialite_gui for e.g. importing files cause it' way faster), but as André stated, this thread was originally about MS Access databases support in QGIS.

Of course i would like to tell people to convert their data to spatialite or even postgis, but the reality is, that i can't catch the fish, when i haven't a worm. And the worm in this case would be to easily (and setting up an odbc-connection isn't easy for "normal" people but rocket science) add MS Access tables to qgis without a fuzz.

In the "real" world (not this geeks list, sorry), people have unfortunately no time nor understanding for learning these things and are just happy when things work as they were told. And in this real world, everyone trying to do some business of course has to have a MS Office Professional suit, so MS Access is the most likely way for them to store and handle bigger datasets "quite" easily.

We of course can bemourne the complete ignorance of the world and insist on "the right way", but i think we should also help the world to be able to follow us.

A lot people have to buy ESRI stuff only to be able to do 'primitive' things (like dealing with access databases + spatial data, but they have to cause their environment is delivering or requesting data in special formats.

Of course i would like to sponsor such a development and pay a developer, but
1. i have no idea how much this would cost
2. i surely can't afford it
3. i already donate as much as i can from the fees from my qgis trainings.

Is there any way inside the qgis-web-environment, to set up a bounty and let others donate as well for special issues like this one? Cause i can't afford anything on my own, but maybe a lot of us can.


Am 22.09.2012, 15:46 Uhr, schrieb Andre Joost <>:

Am 22.09.2012 14:57, schrieb Micha Silver:

I have a feeling that QSpatialite is somewhat behind. I'm using spatialite 3.0 with the spatialite_gui 1.5 and there you have access to the new format for
making use of spatial indexes.

The problem is that, unlike PostGIS, spatial indexes are not used automatically. After you create a spatial index on a table, you must then construct your query
to make use of it. This is certainly non-intuitive for "normal people".

I would surely use those spatial index features if they are fully incorporated in Qgis. In the meantime, I don't wont to spoil my existing databases with external programs. For large datasets, I still can export to my Openstreetmap Postgis database, which works fine.

Ok, but the topic here is not about spatialite or Postgis databases, but MS Access ones.

André Joost

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