I've just added some magic to the OGR ODBC driver in GDAL trunk (GDAL 2.0dev)
so that it can open directly non-spatial MDB databases on Windows.

Note: this is just a shortcut for the "normal" syntax that should work
currently :

ogrinfo ODBC:DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=filename.mdb

Now : ogrinfo filename.mdb

Best regards,


Hi Even,

ermm ... and what does that mean for ... me ?
Can't really do anything with this info but say "wow" for example, but it leaves me quite clueless.

Any more info possible how this is affecting my live or qgis?


Bernd Vogelgesang * Siedlerstrasse 2 * 91083 Baiersdorf * +49-9133-825374
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