Hi Otto,

2012/12/9 Otto Dassau <das...@gbd-consult.de>

> Hi,
> I installed qgis server version 1.8 using ubuntu precise. The WMS and WFS
> work, if I add them to QGIS. Now I would like to play with the
> qgis-web-client. I can see the web-client but the test maps "Hello" and
> "Country" are loading and loading ... but are not visible.
> I guess I missed something simple to configure. But the log files don't say
> anything, except for some missing css files in blueprint.

stupid question: Do you have renamed GlobalOptions.js into site/js folder ?
Also, check /var/log/apache2/error.log to more info about the issue.



> Thanks for any hint
> Otto
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