Hi Andreas and Salvatore,

I use the server from qgis 1.8 available for ubuntu and changing var
useGetProjectSettings to false did the trick.

Thanks a lot, now it works :)


BTW. Would it be better/necessary to use the server from QGIS trunk? 

Am Sun, 09 Dec 2012 16:55:44 +0100
schrieb Andreas Neumann <a.neum...@carto.net>:

> Hi Otto,
> As Salvatore said you must use one of the GlobalOptions.js template files.
> I would also start the developers tools in Google Chrome or Firefox and
> have a look at the network requests the browser is making. You can then
> test the requests manually and compare with the Apache server log.
> It may also be that it is making request to GetProjectSettings and you
> have an older version of the server - in which case you can set
> var useGetProjectSettings = false;
> in GlobalOptions.js
> Andreas
> Am 09.12.2012 14:59, schrieb Otto Dassau:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I installed qgis server version 1.8 using ubuntu precise. The WMS and WFS
> > work, if I add them to QGIS. Now I would like to play with the
> > qgis-web-client. I can see the web-client but the test maps "Hello" and
> > "Country" are loading and loading ... but are not visible. 
> > 
> > I guess I missed something simple to configure. But the log files don't
> > say anything, except for some missing css files in blueprint.
> > 
> > Thanks for any hint
> > Otto

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