Hi Otto,

As Salvatore said you must use one of the GlobalOptions.js template files.

I would also start the developers tools in Google Chrome or Firefox and
have a look at the network requests the browser is making. You can then
test the requests manually and compare with the Apache server log.

It may also be that it is making request to GetProjectSettings and you
have an older version of the server - in which case you can set

var useGetProjectSettings = false;

in GlobalOptions.js


Am 09.12.2012 14:59, schrieb Otto Dassau:
> Hi,
> I installed qgis server version 1.8 using ubuntu precise. The WMS and WFS
> work, if I add them to QGIS. Now I would like to play with the
> qgis-web-client. I can see the web-client but the test maps "Hello" and
> "Country" are loading and loading ... but are not visible. 
> I guess I missed something simple to configure. But the log files don't say
> anything, except for some missing css files in blueprint.
> Thanks for any hint
> Otto
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