don't know if i understand the matter correctly, but what i extracted from Stefans initial question is, that there is no v.in.ogr accessible in Sextante, and therefore no advanced options for snapping and minimum areas to import from e.g. shape files. Especially for badly digitized polygon layers, this one-time import into GRASS with the advanced options cures almost all errors for me in 99% of the cases.

v.clean.snap, as it was suggested by Paolo, is no alternative for that, cause snap seems not to handly polygons but only lines! ("snap: snap lines to vertex in threshold" from grass manual). So, i never found an easy way for topologically cleaning polygon layers through other v.clean functions as easy as with v.in.ogr, but as long as it's not accessible in Sextante, i still have to manually import it in GRASS (with all the mapset and location hokuspokus, most people do not understand)

Maybe i'm completely on the wrong track. In this case: Please direct me ;)


Am 30.04.2013, 17:02 Uhr, schrieb Paolo Cavallini <cavall...@faunalia.it>:

Hash: SHA1

Il 30/04/2013 13:46, SBL ha scritto:

What I did not understand completely was: Do you mean that the default
settings of v.in.ogr are being used (snapping disabled and min_area set to 0.0001) or is the topology cleaning completely disabled in the v.in.ogr-part
of Sextante?

The first one.

So maybe importing and exporting to and from GRASS could be used to perform
a quick, simple and beginner-friendly "lightweight-cleaning"?

You can use v.clean for this

I see this also as a solution for  Bug #2921
<http://hub.qgis.org/issues/2921>  , which furthermore offers additional
quality checks...
Actually, before I learned about the possibility in Sextante I considered
creating a plugin for that...

Never reinvent the wheel; but you're always welcome to come and help improving
Sextante, e.g. adding unit tests - it's easy, Victor can explain how.
All the best.
- --
Paolo Cavallini - Faunalia
Full contact details at www.faunalia.eu/pc
Nuovi corsi QGIS e PostGIS: http://www.faunalia.it/calendario
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